11 Seven Group

How Will We Help You Manage Your Product Inventories?

While managing your inventories there are many factors that you need to keep in mindas you manufacture, stock up and deliver the products to your customers. Our team will help you with Multichannel Inventory Management ensuring better delivery processes, lower labour costs and more efficient stock management. We will also assist you in inventory management for ecommerce businesses like Flipkart, Amazon & other channels, managing and optimising B2B shipments.hipments.

Here are the key factors to consider for Inventory Management:

What is the Inventory Product Demand?

With the right marketing and advertising you should be able to project the amount of sales of your product and manufacturer and pile up your stock accordingly to meet the demands. It is helpful in understanding how the audience is receiving the product and who our audiences are.

How To Manage Product Shipment?

It is important to manage your product shipment and timely deliver the product to your customers in order to build trust and customer satisfaction. Also, Ecommerce Platforms like Amazon, Flipkart & Jio Mart appreciate and incentivise faster delivery processes from different brands.

How Can I Manage Storage Costs?

It is important to manage your storage utilities efficiently in order to maximise your profits. These include renting time, labour costs, transportation process and stockpiling. These components are essential for the process and when managed efficiently save a lot of cost which results in higher profit margins.

Why Is Marketplace Inventory Management Important?

Marketplace Inventory Management is a crucial part for any goods business as it allows you to transfer and deliver your products easily and efficiently saving you a lot of time and money. It gives your customer an overall great experience due to faster and efficient delivery and makes your process easier and reliable as well.

Here are the benefits of Inventory Management in detail:

Efficient Storage Management: Managing and organising your products at the storage unit or warehouse is an essential part of Inventory Management and allows you to seamlessly transfer your products to different departments and departure saving you a lot of time and energy.

Lower Labour Costs: Optimising your man power and managing them efficiently will help you save a lot of money in labour costs and help critically in managing the operational process of your inventories.

Enhanced Customer Experience: A better inventory management results in a more efficient workflow giving your customers a better delivery service experience. You will be able to deliver in or before the ETA and better management will lead to lower faulty and wrong deliveries.

Marketplace Inventory Management Image

How Is Marketplace Inventory Management Beneficial?

Prevents Overstocking: Having leftover stocks is very disadvantageous for any company or manufacturer as any product that does not sell is a direct loss for them. Inventory management allows you to manage your stocks in order to avoid as much overstocking as possible.
Prevents Stockouts: ECommerce Portals and Customers do not tolerate a brand that goes out of sale frequently. It also increases the chance for your competitors to capture your market and audiences. Inventory management allows you to manage your stocks in order to avoid as many stock outs as possible.
Optimise Inventory Levels: Inventory levels are best kept as low as possible without risking stock outs as they hamper customer satisfaction. For effective inventory management you can forecast your product demand.